How to Catch Fall Brood Trout

This blog will make catching fall brood trout easy. The weather, stock truck, and water conditions are variables that can be difficult to predict. This article highlights some strategies we use in the fall that will land brood trout in your boat.
The single most important part of catching brood trout is fishing where they exist. First find bodies of water that are logging citations for brood trout. This can be found on state DNR websites. Next, if you are in a state that stocks trout look at the stock report. For the best opportunity to catch fish I recommend fishing a body of water that has been stocked in the same week you plan on fishing.
The weather needs to be taken into consideration, because water temperature is a direct reflection of the weather. Trout are sensitive to the water temperature and bite better in warm temperatures at dawn and dusk, but bite best at 50-60 degrees. In cold weather the trout bite slow but bite better towards the middle of the day. Sunshine warms the water temp with cold temps and move the trout up in the water column but moves the trout down in the water column in warm water. Cloudy days are good when the water temp is warm because fish bite longer and stay up in the water column, but if the water temp is cold the clouds prevent the water from warming and the trout stay lower in the water column. If the weather is cold adjust the shimmy worm to where its close to the bottom of the lake or stream. You should adjust your bobber to the depth of the trout, a fish finder really helps locate the depth of the fish. Wind also moves the trout towards the direction it's blowing. Wind can positively and negatively affect your fishing. Negatively, the wind makes it hard to jig the freaky worm. Wind can help if the trout are biting slow and want the freaky worm on the sit. Wind can cool off the top of the water and move the fish lower in the water column.
Trout are a competitive schooling fish that a fisherman can score by using the correct bait/technique and using the weather, stocking, water conditions, and time of day to their advantage. When you get to the lake look for fish surfacing and move to that spot. Surfacing fish usually indicates a school of trout. In the fall the trout like the head of lakes or tributaries because they are trying to spawn.
Species of trout stage in different areas of the lake or stream. If you are fishing for rainbow trout they like to school and suspend in the open water. In a stream fish for rainbow's in the current lines next to slack water at the top or bottom of the hole. Brooke and brown trout like structure (trees or rocks) and hang near the bottom of the stream or lake. Golden trout good luck getting them to bite.
Now that you have found the trout it's time to use the correct technique. Standard trout fishing setup is a ten foot rod (this allows you to jig easier, increases hook percentage, allows big fish to go on runs without breaking the line), 4 pound test fluorocarbon line, 1 inch cigar bobber, Freaky Frank's Trout Sauce, and a 1/32 ounce jig head. If the water is cold fish the freaky worm deep under the bobber 7 to 10 feet. Trout seem to like the worm jigged slow or on the sit in cold water temps or if the water is choppy. If the water is warm, fish the shimmy worm 3 to 4 foot under the bobber and trigger their aggression by using the jigging technique demonstrated on Freaky Frank's Custom Tackle YouTube or Facebook page. Try different jigging methods and speeds to see what the trout want. Once you find the speed and technique to catch a trout throw back in the same spot because more than likely you have found a school.
The freaky wormis a superior trout worm that "fish just can't resist," and with these proven techniques you will catch more fish.